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Breast Implant Illness – Implant removal
01/01/2020Breast Implant Illness Reliable up to date advice link attached: https://baaps.
Non surgical ear pinning / Prominent ear correction – Earfold
01/01/2020NON SURGICAL EAR PINNING / PROMINENT EAR CORRECTION – Earfolds NEW National Institute for Health and Care Excellence GUIDELINES **********Only to be used in the context of research **************** Alternative treatment for prominent ears / bat ears.
“I needed a tummy tuck to give me confidence back”
03/01/2019A 38 year-old mum of three, has described how having a tummy tuck has restored her confidence.
Difference between a plastic and cosmetic surgeon?
30/11/2018The wild wild west of cosmetic surgery! Article by a plastic surgeon on regulation in cosmetic surgery.
Allergan New 8-point filler facelift
17/04/2016New Allergan 8-point VYCROSS® filler facelift Non-invasive facelift using the new VYCROSS® range from Allergan – the gold standard HA dermal fillers on the market for anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation.
Think over before you make over
24/02/2015Every year thousands of people in the UK put themselves at serious risk by undergoing bad or inappropriate surgery that could be easily avoided by asking some simple questions about their treatment.