Mole Removal Stockton

Dr. Kim is the North East’s leading specialist surgeon in mole removal, skin cancer and melanoma.

Dr. Kim has over 20 years surgical experience in moles, skin cancer and melanoma. Dr. Kim’s provides simple yet professional mole removal services across Stockton and the surrounding areas. Whilst most moles are non-cancerous, there is no reason to worry about a common mole, as most moles are completely benign.

Mole Check

All suspicious lesions will be examined using a dermatoscope and the patient will have a full body skin and mole review. This examination will look for regional lymph nodes (glands) to see if there has been any spread (metastasis).

Tests and management plans will be discussed.

Mole removal and the elimination of skin tags, lesions and cysts are safely performed in clinic as an outpatient procedure at either Stockton-on-Tees or a clinic in the surrounding areas. Dr. Kim will inspect the concerning area using a dermatoscope and will discuss treatment options that are available with you.

Cryotherapy or topical creams may be suitable treatments for benign lesions or early skin cancers. If a small or shallow Basal Cell Carcinoma is suspected, then all that may be required will be a special cream. Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma skin cancers will regularly need to be removed.  Suspicious looking moles will be analysed under a microscope after removal.

Suspicious moles may require an excision biopsy. The biopsy will be completed under local anaesthetic, this means that you will be awake but that you will not feel any pain. This process is vital to gather information to determine the correct diagnosis.

The procedure will more than likely be finished in around 30 minutes, but the timescale is reliant upon how many moles, skin tags etc that you require to be removed. You will return home the same day as the treatment. Sometimes a wound may be too large to simply stitch closed so plastic surgery would instead be used to move local skin around it to close the wound. Taking skin from other areas of the body by means of a skin graft can also be used to close the wound.

 If you’re looking for a mole removal service within Stockton or the surrounding areas, make sure to get in touch to arrange your free 10-minute consultation. Feel free to give us a call on 07933 239554 or send us an email at