Breast uplift +/- Enlargement (Mastopexy)

A mastopexy is another term used for breast uplift. Breast ptosis or droopiness is a common problem following pregnancy, breast feeding and natural ageing process. Putting on weight then losing it can have the same effect. The aim of the surgery is to give you an improved appearance of the breasts.

The benefits of surgery:

  • More youthful rejuvenated appearance.
  • Remove surplus skin from the breasts.
  • Remodel breasts into a tighter cone making more pert with the nipples repositioned.
  • Reduce the darker skin surrounding the nipple, known as the areola.

A breast uplift usually takes about two to three hours under general anaesthetic. Techniques for breast uplift vary. The most common procedure involves an anchor shaped incision that circles the areola, extends downwards and then follows the natural curve of the crease beneath the breast. Glandular tissue, fat and skin will be removed with the nipple and areola moved into their new position. The skin will be brought down from both sides of the breast and around the areola, shaping the new curve of the breast. In most cases the nipples remain attached to their blood vessels and nerves.

Stitches are usually around the areola, extending downward and along the lower crease of the breast. Some stitches are hidden under the skin and do not need to be removed afterwards. If you have stitches that need removing, you will be offered an appointment to attend the Out-patient Dressing Clinic.